Buying a high-performance sleeping bag is a significant expense, and extending its lifespan as much as possible will lower your usage costs. In fact, many campers cherish their equipment very much. How can we extend the lifespan of sleeping bags? Below are three new material companies in Shandong that will analyze for you:
Although sleeping bags can be cleaned, whether they are made of cotton or down, cleaning can lower their usage indicators, especially if the cleaning method is incorrect, it may make a mess of your sleeping bag.
When using sleeping bags, the area that is prone to contamination is the head. Some sleeping bags are equipped with a detachable movable pad on the head to reduce the frequency of cleaning. After using it for a period of time, remove and wash it. If there is no such padding, it is advisable to wear a hood when using a sleeping bag to achieve the same effect.
Even with careful use, washing is still necessary over time. Generally, low-end sleeping bags have relatively low requirements for washing. Due to their low price, they are not easy to use and cannot be easily replaced. However, high-end sleeping bags do not require much capital. Proper use and maintenance can greatly reduce your expenses.
In foreign countries, high-end sleeping bags are usually cleaned with cleaning agents, but currently there is a lack of such products in China. Nowadays, they are generally cleaned using a drum washing machine. And for down sleeping bags, please remember not to use a home washing machine to clean them. Narrow washing opportunities can turn your precious down sleeping bags into garbage.

The best way to clean down sleeping bags is to do it yourself. In the bathtub, slowly clean with a large amount of soap, which will make your sleeping bag very smooth.
The important thing is the drying of the cleaned down sleeping bag, which requires patience. The ideal method is to put the sleeping bag into a large drum commercial dryer, slowly dry it with low temperature, and continuously interrupt the drying process. Take out the sleeping bag, find a piece of wet velvet, gently rub it open, and then continue the drying process to achieve the fluffiness of the new down sleeping bag. It is very important to avoid the impulse of high-temperature drying, otherwise, Will bake the nylon fabric into contracted scars.
As for the storage and storage of sleeping bags, compressed storage is not a good method because down sleeping bags require breathing. It is good to choose a spacious and breathable storage bag to keep it in a fluffy state. Down products should not be damp and should be placed in a dry and ventilated place. After using the down sleeping bag outdoors, it is best to bask in the sun and blow air as much as possible to keep it dry and loose. If such conditions are lacking in the wild, this procedure cannot be omitted after returning to the city. For more related matters, come to our website http://qdfst.com consulting service