For backpackers, outdoor equipment is not everything, but without it is also absolutely impossible! Buying outdoor equipment in Jining should not be flashy or flashy, only based on cost-effectiveness, and according to the actual situation, buy what suits you. Let's talk about several misconceptions and principles in choosing outdoor equipment.
1、 Several Misunderstandings in Choosing Outdoor Equipment
1. Superstitious brand names.
2. Superstitious experts. Especially for some newcomers, they don't do their own homework and only listen to the opinions of the donkeys or so-called experts around them. They buy whatever others say is good.
3. The more expensive, the better. Don't buy what's right, only buy what's expensive, so why are things better as they become more expensive.
4. Buy everything. As long as it's outdoor equipment, you want to buy it whenever you see it, and you want it when you see what others have, regardless of whether you can use it or not.
2、 Several Principles for Choosing Outdoor Equipment
1. Principle of necessity. What to buy, what level and function to buy, and when to buy is based on the principle of necessity, that is, only buy what is needed, only when it is needed, and suppress one's desire and impulse to buy at other times.
2. Practical principles. There are many outdoor brands nowadays, and there are also many domestic brands. For those new donkeys who are just starting out, if they only climb some ordinary mountains below an altitude of 3000 meters, ordinary domestic equipment is enough to cope.

3. The principle of cost-effectiveness. In fact, the quality difference between foreign famous brand products and domestic brands is not as significant as their price difference, and some foreign brands set high prices in China, resulting in low cost-effectiveness. If you must buy foreign famous brands, it is recommended to buy them when they are discounted or on sale.
4. The principle of gradual progress. The requirements for equipment vary at different stages, and we should follow the principle of gradual progress. In the initial stage, we only need to buy some basic equipment, and when climbing some high altitude and difficult snow mountains, we need to buy some corresponding excellent equipment.
5. The principle of acting according to one's abilities. Everyone's economic foundation is different, and what brand of equipment to buy depends on their own economic strength and their ability to do so.
So how should everyone choose outdoor equipment that suits them? There are two main points to consider: firstly, the place you are going to. If the difficulty is not high and the time is not long, usually low-end outdoor equipment is enough, and buying too good is also a waste. The second thing is to look at your wallet, money is the key to human nature! Of course, if you don't have money, you can buy something affordable. If there are any other matters, please come to us http://qdfst.com Consult!