Jining Outdoor Equipment: Top 10 must-have outdoor equipment
01 小背包
01 Small backpack
A small backpack is one of the essential outdoor equipment, which can be used as a backup for short trips or long-distance trips. It has a certain amount of carrying capacity, but is relatively light. The price of a small backpack is relatively expensive, but its strength and structural design are excellent, which cannot be compared to other backpacks.
02 帳篷
02 Tent
Tents are one of the essential outdoor equipment, especially for long-distance travelers. It can protect the bottom of the tent from wear and tear, avoiding scratches or damage to the bottom surface of the tent.
03 燒烤爐
03 BBQ Oven
A barbecue stove is one of the essential outdoor equipment, which can provide convenience for us to barbecue in the wild. Barbecue ovens usually use aluminum alcohol covered pots, which have a wind resistant effect and can provide us with sufficient fuel during outdoor barbecue.
04 手套
04 Gloves
One of the essential outdoor equipment is gloves. In outdoor activities such as hiking and climbing, gloves can provide sufficient protection to prevent injury and exposure to UV rays and wind. In addition, gloves can help us keep our bodies warm and make us feel more comfortable.
05 睡袋
05 Sleeping bag
Sleeping bags are one of the essential outdoor equipment. It can help us save space, especially during long-distance travel. We can choose the appropriate sleeping bag according to the season and temperature requirements. Down sleeping bags are suitable for winter use as they provide sufficient warmth.
06 頭燈
06 Headlights
Headlights are one of the essential outdoor equipment. When walking at night, before dark, and after dawn, headlights are very important if there are no other light sources. It can help you see your surroundings clearly in the dark and find the right direction.
07 水壺
07 kettle
Among the top 10 essential outdoor equipment, a kettle is an essential one. It can provide an appropriate amount of water and insulation at any time, ensuring the temperature required for outdoor activities. In addition, a kettle can also avoid the problem of forgetting to bring water, increasing the convenience of travel.
08 防潮墊
08 moisture-proof mat
Moisture proof mats are one of the essential outdoor equipment, which can provide a comfortable sitting position and inflatable environment without being exposed to the ground. There are various types of moisture-proof mats, such as single-layer, double-layer, and inflatable mats, to choose from according to personal preferences.
09 登山杖
09 Climbing Staff
Climbing cane is one of the essential outdoor equipment and is very important for hiking and camping activities. According to the reference content, hiking sticks can be used to build shelters.
10 沖鋒衣褲
10 Rush Clothes
Charging clothes are one of the essential outdoor equipment, mainly used to cope with adverse weather, with waterproof, windproof, breathable and other characteristics. Charging clothes are usually made of hard shell materials, which can ensure the comfort and durability of outdoor activities.